LOS(ing)T : “Welcome to the City of Toys”

I could vividly remember that day, was my last day at bengaluru and was feeling pretty nostalgic. I just wanted to add another feather to my long charming memory of bengaluru, where I spend almost 5 years of my college and an entrepreneurship life. Enjoyment, Friendship, love and Frustration, each add some meaning to your life and in time, a past, which you always relish and laugh at.

When I was in my undergrad days (almost 4 years back), I read about a small sleepy town called Channapatna, 60 km south-west of Bengaluru, and the dying art of making wooden toys. How the ancient art of making toy out of wooden block, which is toxic free in all sense, is getting extinct. And How few artisans struggling hard to make this art stay alive and making living out of it. How a piece of art promoting healthy living (in children) is replaced by cheap, toxic Chinese toys, further depleting the life of master artisan to an edge of life for survival, it pains me sometimes on a mere thought of a truth which is so sensible yet ignored by the fast-rapid moving and advancing society. I just wanted to go……

Few note on the town Channapatna and its wood toys :-

Channapatna is also called as “goMbegaLa ooru” meaning toys town in English or Famously ” City of Toys”. The origin of these toys can be traced to the reign of Tipu Sultan who invited artisans from Persia to train the local artisans in the making of wooden toys. For nearly two centuries, ivory-wood was the main wood used in the making of these toys, though rosewood and sandalwood were also occasionally used.This traditional craft is protected as a geographical indication (GI) under the World Trade Organization, administered by the Government of Karnataka.

So, One day before I was about to leave bengaluru, On morning of 30th June, 2014, at around 5 am, I put on a wind-cheater, sneak my way through my friend’s room, stealing his bike key and the awesome helmet. With a beautiful drizzling, chill morning paving my way for an un-planned journey and the rising sun encouraging me, LET’s GO !!. No, It was not a 1000 cc or 500 cc super or sub-super bike, It was a 100 cc Bajaj platina, the best mileage bike, which I drove around 120 km/hr, the max. the bike can give. Beautiful country ride with mountains, farm and forest all round……and more….

Took few pics and videos which I wanted to show you, is the reason why I wrote this blog, not blah blah blah about the place and their life, enough written and lost in words, I just wanted to preserve my sweet memory in the pictures I took. Thank you !




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And a small clip to showcase their hard working and skill :

Take some time and visit the tiny little world in our beautiful country, as said in the words of the great man –
A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people”
– Mahatma Gandhi